Neovim resources

An ongoing list of tips, shortcuts, and tricks I find useful to navigating the world of Neovim.


For Data Science / programming / note-taking / publishing I recommend the Quarto kickstarter. The shortcuts below are written with this configuration installed so YMMV.

Quarto lets you work in code cells and publish documents (like this website!).


Command Description
u Undo.
<ctrl>+r Redo.
<shift>-k Look up function definition.
<shift>-h Flip back and forth through buffers (tabs) on nvim.
<shift>-l Flip back and forth through buffers (tabs) on nvim.
<ctrl>-w Open window options.
<ctrl>-w + v Vertical split.
<ctrl>-w + s Horizontal split.
<ctrl>-w + <shift>-j Switch between vertical and horizontal splits.
<ctrl>-w + s Horizontal split.
:tabnew New tab.
<leader>-f + d Open buffers.
<shift>-g End of the file.
gg Beginning of the file.
<leader> + c + O/o + p New python cell above/below.
. Pastes the previous edit.
zb/zz/zt Adjust the screen to the bottom/middle/top without moving the cursor.
<ctrl>-i/o Go forward/backward in cursor position.
d/[string] Delete until string.
:sav Save a copy and switch to it.
nvim.cmd.Ex Run command using vim.keymap.set in configs
<ctrl>-g/t Go forward/backward when searching using /
set cpoptions+=x Don’t jump back when exiting search.


  • Vim macros
  • Vim marks